lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. 

We hear about success everywhere. It is supposed to be the final purpose of all the actions we undertake. We use the word mechanically ... We want to be successful professionals, form a successful couple, achieve economic success ...

Yes, we want all that, but what exactly do we call "success"? And above all, how to measure how much success is enough?

The idea that achieving success is "not having to worry about anything" has become widespread. In your family, everything works like a clock or you can buy what you want without adding or subtracting. Let others praise your work and get a managerial position or be popular or famous. We could count on the fingers of those who have all that.

Nobody can be successful, in your life, if you live thinking of overcoming others. The gratification of the achievements reached-however minimal they may seem-can be enormous if they materialize for one's happiness, not to ingratiate others.

That message, I confess, has profoundly affected me. He taught me that when there is no selfishness involved, scarcity is no obstacle to feeling happy, alongside our fellow human beings. That is a very particular way of conceiving success in life.
Success, well conceived, is about goodness, the desire to serve others selflessly, the ability to listen and the value of our behavior towards our fellow human beings.

Nobody can be successful, if their heart is full of an absurd materialism and without a space to express and receive love for others.

Imagine, for a moment, that person who has all the money in the world, but no one who appreciates it, really, for its values and spirit. Definitely, little or nothing will serve, that person, so much economic power because he will not have anyone to really enjoy it.

Most likely money and power allow someone, momentarily, to have many people by their side, but as soon as the material is finished, the "friends" will be exhausted.

So let's think, for a moment, how much good we would do to others by giving sincere smiles and friendship, instead of offering material things or actions nuanced by personal interest, in order to take advantage of the circumstances.

Let's pursue our dreams, reach them and enjoy their reward. But let us keep in mind that, in order to find the right path to success in this life, something more than power and money is needed.

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