viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019


• What is bullying?

Bullying consists in the practice of physical and verbal intimidation and constant violent or intimidating acts on a person. It can be done by one or several people, with the purpose of attacking, making the victim feel insecure, or to hinder their development in the class.

• Who become bullies and who become victims of bullying?

Children and young people at school, and is carried out by one or several partners for one or several peers.

• What are the causes of bullying?

The family
Through the family, the first behavioural models are acquired, which have a great influence on the rest of the relationships established with the environment. When children are exposed to family violence, they can learn to see the world as if there were only two roles: aggressor and assaulted. Therefore, they can see violence as the only alternative to being victimized.
School environment
Children’s need for more attention from teachers and parents.Several studies show that, often, teachers create expectations, positive or negative, with respect to their students and interact in public more frequently with students of positive expectations. This results in a small group of "bright" students intervening almost always and a small group of more "slow" students who almost never participate. In addition, students with high expectations often receive high praise and those with low expectations, many critics. Thus, the motivation of the latter decreases and they feel discriminated against the rest of the class.
Social media
The media, especially television, continually expose us to violence, both real (television news) and fictitious (movies or series), and that is why they are considered as one of the main causes that cause violence in children and young people .
- The behaviors that children observe on television influence the behavior they manifest immediately after, so it is necessary to protect children from the violence to which they are exposed to television and should even consider the possibility of using television in an educational way to prevent violence.
• What are the effects of bullying?
 who are victims of bullying may have some of the following symptoms:
Alterations of the dream.
Eating disorders.
Lack of appetite.
Destructive thoughts, like the desire to die.
In many cases, the victims must be taken to therapy to treat the psychological marks left by the aggression.

• How can bullying be stopped? Who can help?

It is very important to try to prevent bullying and violence in the classroom through education and relationships between school and family. Many times, the causes are in those environments and it is there where you have to try to stop them.
Here some of the possible measures of prevention against bullying and school violence in general are explained.
Anti-violence rules
Discipline guidelines
Relationship between school and family
Cooperative learning

Conflict resolution

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