viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling (pros and cons of recycling)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling
Many of us feel overwhelmed by the term ‘recycling’. Recycling is a form of waste management that involves converting waste and other used materials into reusable products. Recycling helps to reduce energy usage, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce air pollution and water pollution (from land filling) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal and also reduces greenhouse gases emissions. Before taking the bold step of recycling, it is crucial to understand the good and bad involved in this process.

Some of the wastes that can be recycled include:
1.       Plastic: Which include water bottles, plastic bags, plastic wrappers and rubber bags.

2.       Glass: Glass products that can be recycled include wine and beer bottles and broken glasses

3.       Paper: Such as magazines, newspapers, books, envelopes and cardboard boxes

4.       Metals: Like empty tomato, soda and fruit cans.

5.       Other waste products that can be recycled include textiles, tires, and electronics.
The Recycling process
Collection of waste materials and processing
Waste materials are collected through drop-off centres, curb side collection, deposit or refund programs. The waste materials are then transported to a materials recovery facility or recycling centres where they are sorted out, cleaned and processed into ideal materials for manufacturing. The recyclable waste materials can be bought and sold the same way raw material would be. The prices fluctuate depending on demand and supply throughout the country.
Manufacturing is where the processed waste materials are converted into useful products. Many products in the modern day are manufactured using recycled waste materials. Common products manufactured using waste materials include paper towels, newspapers, steel cans, soft drink containers made of plastic glass and aluminium and plastic laundry detergents.

Dissemination of manufactured products to the market
The finished recycled product is then made available on the market. You can be part of waste reduction campaigns by purchasing products made from recycled materials. It’s pretty easy to pinpoint products of recyclable material because the words are plastered on the labels.

Recycling has a plethora of advantages to humans and environments. Surprisingly, the whole process of recycling comes along with some shocking impacts unknown to a lot of people. Let’s look at some advantages and disadvantages to recycling.
Advantages of Recycling
·         Recycling minimizes pollution
·         Protects the environment
·         Recycling minimizes global warming
·         Conserves natural resources
·         Recycling cuts down amount of waste in landfill sites
·         Recycling ensures sustainable use of resources
·         Recycling contributes to creation of jobs
·         Reduces energy consumption
Disadvantages of Recycling
·         High upfront capital costs
·         Recycling sites are always unhygienic, unsafe and unsightly
·         Products from recycled waste may not be durable.
·         Recycling might not be inexpensive
·         Recycling is not widespread on large scale

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019


• What is bullying?

Bullying consists in the practice of physical and verbal intimidation and constant violent or intimidating acts on a person. It can be done by one or several people, with the purpose of attacking, making the victim feel insecure, or to hinder their development in the class.

• Who become bullies and who become victims of bullying?

Children and young people at school, and is carried out by one or several partners for one or several peers.

• What are the causes of bullying?

The family
Through the family, the first behavioural models are acquired, which have a great influence on the rest of the relationships established with the environment. When children are exposed to family violence, they can learn to see the world as if there were only two roles: aggressor and assaulted. Therefore, they can see violence as the only alternative to being victimized.
School environment
Children’s need for more attention from teachers and parents.Several studies show that, often, teachers create expectations, positive or negative, with respect to their students and interact in public more frequently with students of positive expectations. This results in a small group of "bright" students intervening almost always and a small group of more "slow" students who almost never participate. In addition, students with high expectations often receive high praise and those with low expectations, many critics. Thus, the motivation of the latter decreases and they feel discriminated against the rest of the class.
Social media
The media, especially television, continually expose us to violence, both real (television news) and fictitious (movies or series), and that is why they are considered as one of the main causes that cause violence in children and young people .
- The behaviors that children observe on television influence the behavior they manifest immediately after, so it is necessary to protect children from the violence to which they are exposed to television and should even consider the possibility of using television in an educational way to prevent violence.
• What are the effects of bullying?
 who are victims of bullying may have some of the following symptoms:
Alterations of the dream.
Eating disorders.
Lack of appetite.
Destructive thoughts, like the desire to die.
In many cases, the victims must be taken to therapy to treat the psychological marks left by the aggression.

• How can bullying be stopped? Who can help?

It is very important to try to prevent bullying and violence in the classroom through education and relationships between school and family. Many times, the causes are in those environments and it is there where you have to try to stop them.
Here some of the possible measures of prevention against bullying and school violence in general are explained.
Anti-violence rules
Discipline guidelines
Relationship between school and family
Cooperative learning

Conflict resolution

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019


The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. 

We hear about success everywhere. It is supposed to be the final purpose of all the actions we undertake. We use the word mechanically ... We want to be successful professionals, form a successful couple, achieve economic success ...

Yes, we want all that, but what exactly do we call "success"? And above all, how to measure how much success is enough?

The idea that achieving success is "not having to worry about anything" has become widespread. In your family, everything works like a clock or you can buy what you want without adding or subtracting. Let others praise your work and get a managerial position or be popular or famous. We could count on the fingers of those who have all that.

Nobody can be successful, in your life, if you live thinking of overcoming others. The gratification of the achievements reached-however minimal they may seem-can be enormous if they materialize for one's happiness, not to ingratiate others.

That message, I confess, has profoundly affected me. He taught me that when there is no selfishness involved, scarcity is no obstacle to feeling happy, alongside our fellow human beings. That is a very particular way of conceiving success in life.
Success, well conceived, is about goodness, the desire to serve others selflessly, the ability to listen and the value of our behavior towards our fellow human beings.

Nobody can be successful, if their heart is full of an absurd materialism and without a space to express and receive love for others.

Imagine, for a moment, that person who has all the money in the world, but no one who appreciates it, really, for its values and spirit. Definitely, little or nothing will serve, that person, so much economic power because he will not have anyone to really enjoy it.

Most likely money and power allow someone, momentarily, to have many people by their side, but as soon as the material is finished, the "friends" will be exhausted.

So let's think, for a moment, how much good we would do to others by giving sincere smiles and friendship, instead of offering material things or actions nuanced by personal interest, in order to take advantage of the circumstances.

Let's pursue our dreams, reach them and enjoy their reward. But let us keep in mind that, in order to find the right path to success in this life, something more than power and money is needed.